I know no one wants to know any of the details about our flight or hotel room, so we will just skip to the juicy stuff you've all been waiting for. Lily is definitely our girl! She and Sophie are now sleeping soundly together after a long and emotional day.
We got to Xian at about 10:30 am and by 3:30 pm, she was ours. We checked in, had a quick bite and off we went to the Civil Affairs Office. I saw her through the glass doors as we pulled into the parking lot. Once we got inside, there were quick introductions and the orphanage director and facilitator left us with Lily and her nanny. Sophie gave her the stuffed ladybug we got her at the Silk Market in Beijing and Lily gave Sophie some candy. Both considered it to be a good trade!!! The ladies came back and explained that this was the beginning of the "harmonious period", 24 hours in which we could change our minds about her. I knew before we even saw her that there would be no changing of minds! She was quite a bit shorter than I had imagined. Jane's pictures from January made her look so tall, but she isn't much over 3 feet tall. She is quite stocky, however. There is a good possibility she might weigh more than Sophie. She was very quiet and you could tell her nanny was telling her goodbye. Lily spoke very softly to her and it was obvious there was a great amount of affection there. The director and facilitator finished their paperwork and we made our way to the door. Lily came quietly, looking back at her nanny as we loaded into the van. As we drove away, Lily waved at her nanny and it broke my heart to think we had just ripped this kid's whole life apart. She and Sophie rode together in the back seat and it was sweet to see Sophie holding her hand and taking care of her. We went to get Lily's picture taken for her passport and came back to the hotel. This whole time, she was sneaking looks at me, but would look away when I caught her. When we got back to the room, Sophie and she laid on the floor and colored in their coloring books. Lily helped herself to one of the snacks she brought and offered one to Sophie. I was super impressed at how she colored without putting her cookie down. Pete and Sophie decided to check out the indoor pool and Lily put her stuff into her little backpack she brought with her. I could tell she was getting a little sad as she kept fumbling with the straps and then the quiet tears started. She tried to blink them back, but it didn't work and she started to cry a little more. She never actually cried, just deep sobs, and she was really trying to hold them back. I put her on my lap and rubbed her back while she cried. Pete and Sophie came back and we decided to walk to the pool to watch Sophie swim and the crying stopped and hasn't started again (knock on wood). While at the pool, we asked the attendant to ask her if she was hungry and she said yes so we went to the hotel restaurant to get some dinner. All of the employees gathered round her and she just had a big time being the center of attention. Of course, Sophie was right in the middle of it. Lily laughed and carried on and no one could believe she had only been with us a few hours! After dinner, we came up and took a bath. She started to get a little sad again, so Sophie got in with her and they played pass the soap. Lily giggled so hard her cheeks turned red! We put on new pjs and both got in bed and went right to sleep! That is a miracle for Sophie! I am wiped out! I think I made it through today on pure adreneline. It was almost surreal...we've waited so long and bonded with pictures of her and here she is, sleeping ten feet away!
Tomorrow we go back to the Civil Affairs Office to finalize the paperwork, then we wait 5 days for her Chinese passport. Enjoy the pictures and I'll post more on her progress tomorrow!
Congratulations! I have been checking your site every 10 min. I am very happy for you guys. Lily will be ok becasue you all are really wonderful, loving and caring. She will pick up on that. Take your nap now Debbie!
All our love,
Chris, Bill, Emily & Katie
WOW! She is beautiful! Those pigtails...that pouty lip! SOunds like she's gonna be just fine...and just the perfect fit! Still Praying...
Angie Barnett
I had to hold back from screaming with JOY because my kids are sleeping! I am just so happy for you! I know for sure now that Maddie and Lily know each other because Lily's nanny is one of the primary ones Maddie has in her book! Maddie screams with glee when she sees Lily's picture, so it's true! I can't wait to see how your trip goes. Enjoy. What a blessing Lily is!!!!
P.S. Deb
I emailed you pics of a little guy in HH whose family is dying for new pics of him!
Finally the wait is over, and your family is beautiful and complete. Can not wait till the four of you get home!!!! Sara is missing you Sophie, she can't wait to play with and your sister.
So happy for you all. Don't even know you, but have heard much from Carol's blog and comments on the Yahoo group. We're LH'ers also and so feel a bit of kinship to you. Congrats on your beautiful family - she looks adorable!
Oh Debbie I'm so happy!!! Wonderful news!!!
She is doing wonderfully for day one!!!! I know it's tough...hang in there and love her to pieces.......
That is so sweet that she went right with you!!!
She looks BIGGER to me!!!!!!!
Congratulations!!!!!!!and xoxo
Congrats! I'm so glad that you got your daughter! :) She's so beautiful!
~Friend of Jane~
Ok... I was lead to your site by Carol... on reading about Lily and your 'gotcha day'... I was bawling like a baby... then when she was sobbing... oh... that too would break my heart... things will be fine in the end... take care
Now my whole office is in tears, what a beautiful photo of the forever family, Poor Pete is in a meeting and can not get to a computer - I just told him Lily is beautiful and everyone looks great I am sure he will send a message shortly
Rest and relax, your family is finally together!
Love Gail and Pete
Congratulations! Lily is adorable! It breaks my heart to imagine what our precious children go through when they are placed in our arms. We are overcome with such happiness because we have loved them from afar for so many months, but they are losing everything that they have ever known. Lily will soon realize that she has a wonderful family:) Please keep posting...I am living vicariously through you since we probably won't get the honor to adopt from China again. God bless!
HOORAY for the DeBraal family!! It's hard to believe the wait is over. We are so excited about meeting Lily. You have another beautiful daughter to share you love and happiness with. I know Lily is going to Love her new family. You all are just what she has been waiting on. God has blessed you with the ability to give Lily a new start to her life. You all continue to be in my thoughts and prayers. Sophie we miss seeing you in the mornings and Fletcher says "meow, meow meow".
Love to all,
Steph, Molly, Mattie and Eli
WOW! The boulder in my throat is making it hard to breathe and I can barely see the computer screen through the river of tears! Talk about pulling at someone's heartstrings. I can't even imagine the emotional roller coaster yall are feeling. I love you ALL! Be safe and hurry home. I can't wait to see you all.
Love Mom
Hey aunt Deb, it's MTSK!!! Oh my goodness, she is so adorable, and we are so excited for you all!!!!!
(P.s. This is only Kaley now: I've been telling everyone at school about Lily. I can't wait until you guys get back!!!! Love Ya'll!!)
Hey aunt Deb, it's MTSK!!! Oh my goodness, she is so adorable, and we are so excited for you all!!!!!
(P.s. This is only Kaley now: I've been telling everyone at school about Lily. I can't wait until you guys get back!!!! Love Ya'll!!)
Heyyy! Guys its Stephanie and Lily is VERY PRETTY!!! I bet Sophie is very glad to see her. I cant wait to see you all. I'll be counting down the days for you all to come home. I have missed Sophie, and so has Sara!
Much Love
Hi everyone, love the pictures. Everyone looks happy(especially Sophie!)We can't wait to meet the newest DeBraal!Tell Lily her favorite aunt Terri is waiting.
Very glad the wait is over ! The first step is the biggest, Lily now has a loving wonderful family that will be with her for the rest of her life! She will sense your love and protection Give the girls a hug for us. Pete and Gail
I admire your determination to endure all of the challenges that this journey has put in front of you! We enjoy reading about the rewards and memories that your hard work has brought you. Sieze every opportunity you have to cherish these few days. I can't imagine what it must be like to pick up a 5 year old as a newborn! Mom and Dad's computer is down but Dirk is printing out the blog for them to read. Katie and I are going to Wis. on Thursday. They have had 12" of snow last week. Katie is so exited about playing in the snow, but also keeping abreast of your progress on the blog. If you feel frustrated, just think of all of the people pulling for you!
Bill, CDhris, Emily and Katie
Congratulations!!! Lily is absolutely beautiful and I just love how Sophie is positively beaming in the pictures! We're so happy that Lily is with her forever family. Have a wonderful trip in China and we look forward to seeing you back home!
Joel, Donna & Eliz Sanders
I added the DeBraal family to my Tuesday night Bible study prayer list. I shared with them the pictures of Lily with her new family. In reading your postings I myself was EXCITED and sad at the same time. I can only imagine the many different emotions you must be feeling. Take care and try to rest. Gotta get he girls ready for school.
Sophie and Lily
The library at Miller Perry is so excited to see you two together. You make a wonderful picture and look like you belong to each other. It is such wonderful news to hear from the DeBraal family and see the rewards of your wait!! Lily is beautiful. The pictures are great and we are all very glad things are going so well. Our thoughts and prayers are with you. We have pulled a book from the book fair for both Sophie and Lily. We will save them for your return. Be safe and thanks for the letting us share in your happiness with this website. Love from the Library. Ann, Kim Stacia, Jo and Tiffany.
What beautiful pictures. I had tears when I read your discription of your first day with Lily. I almost feel like I'm there with you--(probably the closest I'll ever get to China too!) Lily is so precious and Sophie is certainly being an excellent big sister. My prayers continue for you. Two of my grandchildren are taking Chinese in school and Emily has decided to use Lily's Chinese name for her name in class. She can hardly wait to get to my house after school to see the latest pictures. So, Lily's circle of love just gets bigger and bigger. Much love, "Aunt" Judy
We look forward to seeing all and meeting Lily. Let's please make sure we get together when in Lex...we love, miss and could not be happier for you guys...enjoy this experience...BB
I am so happy for you!! What an amazing blessing from God! Have a wonderful time getting to know your newest joy in life. I can't wait to see more pictures. I pray that everything will go smoothly. God Bless!
~A friend of Pete's from work~
Some of our friends who have also been to China have suggested that it would be useful for you to establish with Lily a way for her to indicate to you when she is hungry or thirsty and if she needs to use the bathroom. The very long flight home could be a bit difficult for her at this point considering the language gap. When you get home, we will share some great news about a support group here in our area. You will be pleased. Send more pictures. We have checked your Blog and still no more pictures. Hugs to all four of you,
Congratulations DeBraal's. Very neat pics. Enjoying the blog...and it is becoming addictive. Take care.
Sophie: Congratulations on being a new Big Sister! I hear you are doing an awesome job. And just think--you never have to be lonely again for a friend or playmate. You two will be a dynamic duo.
I just love Lily's rosy cheeks. I hope she never loses her glow.
Hurry home! It's been an especially long week without your phone calls. I miss our daily chats.
Love shows!
Hey Soph,it's SUPER COUSIN!!!!! It's good to see that your all safe and having a good time!!!!! I hope you guys have safe travels on the rest of your trip!!!1
(P.S. Sophie, tell Lily that I can't wait yo see you BOTH!!!! Love you, Bye!!!!)
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