Wednesday, January 30, 2008

What's In a Name?

Sophie is the Leapfrog. Anyone acquainted with Sophie knows her favorite animal is the frog, which is appropriate as she has boundless energy, a zest for life that depending on the time of day can be either incredibly endearing or incredibly annoying. It is also one quality about her I wouldn't change for the world.
Lily is the Ladybug. In China, the ladybug is considered to be a sign of good luck. Soon Chinese locals will give us the thumbs up and say, "Lucky Girl!", but really...we're the lucky ones because we have been awarded the awesome priviledge of being her family.
Also, Ladybugs and Leapfrogs is the name of a now-defunct store in Johnson City and I just thought it sounded cool...


Carol said...

Just wanted to add...thank you for the invite!!!

I'm so excited to see you go get your girl!!!

Promise me we will meet up one day with our girls!!!!!


AND PS!! Buy lots of shoes in China!!!!!!!!

mtsk said...

Hi Deb, I tried to leave a message not sure if it came through, I'll try again

mtsk said...

Hi Guys, I found your blog all by myself.!Yea! Don't always need teenagers help on the computer.I heard Cina is having a blizzard this morning on the news. I'm sure the sun will be shining when you get there,just tell Pete to give his licky frog a rub and wish for warm weather. talk to you soon.

Sandy H. said...

I am so happy for you.... now come on TA!!!


Kim said...

I just wanted to say hi, I look forward to reading about your trip :)

Jimy said...

That's really astonishing for me to know about frog. I am also curious to dig out more about frog's qualities. My friend often share similar posts of her interest which really inspire me.